Fresh Red Roses

A bouquet of a dozen red roses wrapped in a special black floral wrapper with fresh fillers. This is a made-to-order bouquet for a birthday celebrant of an Aunt who had shown love and care for a kind nephew living outside of Dumaguete City.

Dried Fossilized

A bouquet of 2 white big bloom dried fossilized flowers with wooden mini-flowers and fillers to last years if preserved in a normal environment. Our best-seller for young and old lovers who wants a flourishing relationship in their lives. 


Love conquers all. This beautiful flower arrangement matched with the sweetness of chocolates is one of the best gift for a flourishing love by couples who wants to maintain their sweetness, near or far. Zinniazen Flower Shop delivers these gifts in Dumaguete City for free to give an extra touch of care for our customers, men and women alike (LGBTQA+ included). 

Large Bouquet x 2025 Orders


- Color Coordination: Choose flowers and greenery that complement each other in color and texture.

- Symmetry and Balance: Keep the bouquet balanced by placing larger flowers evenly around the bouquet and filling in with smaller blooms and greenery.

- Handle with Care: Dried flowers are fragile, so handle them gently to avoid breakage.

1 to 2 Big Bloom Bouquets

Example of a Simple Dried Flower Bouquet Arrangement

1. Focal Flowers: 1 to 2 dried roses

2. Secondary Flowers: 5 sprigs of lavender

3. Filler Flowers: 4 stems of baby's breath

4. Greenery: 3 stems of dried eucalyptus

Arrangement: Start with the roses in the center. Surround them with lavender, then fill in with baby's breath. Add eucalyptus stems throughout the bouquet for texture. Bind, wrap, and adjust as described.

Enjoy your beautiful, long-lasting dried flower bouquet!

More Bouquets x 2025

Emotional Significance

Flowers are deeply intertwined with human emotions. They are used to convey love, sympathy, congratulations, and a myriad of other sentiments. The ability to send flowers quickly and without additional costs amplifies their emotional impact. Free delivery ensures that more people can participate in the tradition of giving flowers, spreading joy and emotional support widely.

The immediacy of free delivery services can be particularly impactful in situations that require timely gestures, such as expressing condolences or celebrating spontaneous moments of joy. Knowing that a beautiful bouquet can arrive promptly and without extra expense provides peace of mind and strengthens the bonds between sender and recipient.

Zinniazen means Floral Artistry: About us

Dried Flowers

Check out our dried flower bouquets that are long-lasting and will never wilt. Our dried flowers selection are premium custom-made and handcrafted by our florist. Explore our exceptional flower shop for lasting floral treasures. 

Free Delivery

Discover timeless beauty with our stunning bouquet collection. Because we value your relationship with your loved ones and we value your precious time at your work or with your family, we go beyond selling flowers, we also deliver them to your loved ones.

1. Affordability

The economic benefits of free flower bouquet delivery are substantial for both consumers and businesses. For consumers, the elimination of delivery fees makes gifting flowers more affordable. This can encourage more frequent purchases, as customers are not deterred by additional costs. Free delivery can also attract new customers who might have been hesitant to order flowers online due to delivery charges.

2. Attract/Retain

For businesses, offering free delivery can be a significant competitive advantage. It can help attract and retain customers, increase sales volumes, and enhance customer satisfaction. Additionally, businesses can leverage economies of scale, where the increased volume of orders can offset the costs associated with offering free delivery. This model can lead to higher overall profitability and market share. 

3. Accessibility

Accessibility is another critical factor. Free delivery services often operate nationwide or even globally, making it possible to send flowers to loved ones regardless of geographical barriers. This accessibility ensures that people can maintain connections and celebrate important moments together, even when they are physically apart. The ease of access to a wide variety of flowers and arrangements online also means that customers can find the perfect bouquet to suit any occasion, preference, or budget.

100% Artistic Floral Handmade

Zinniazen Flower Shop | Z Flowers